Tuesday 29 March 2011

Just For Matt

OK, so been looking at companies on the Internet to find out how much it will cost me to get the comic printed I think the best place to go really for me is Lulu.com although I couldn't get a price as yet as the page would open up on my computer I still think that it will be cheaper then other companies that I looked at for example printondemand, they quoted £76.66 for just one book, which is a bit too much for me as I have other things to pay for on this course. Blurb is a good alternative to Lulu as they do offer cheap books and the quality isn't bad but as far as making a comic book it's not offered as an actual choice but you could chop and change the settings to suit your requirements. This isn't such a bad thing to do, as it will do the job. What I need to do is to get a quote for the comic from each website and carry on looking for other book makers/publishers. As I have nearly finished my story board I will no exactly how many pages I will need as at the moment I am working on a rough figure.

Well update you soon : )

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Film Noir

Researching styles and lighting techniques for this assignment have been reletivly easy as I am creating a series of images to be presented in a comic book . I have looked a film noir style images as I think this is the best style of lighting that would fit in well with the genre. I think that this style with work best as the lighting effects will look similar to the styling of comic strips and I would be able to minpulate well to fit the effects thats I want to add.


I really like Horst P. Horst's website http://www.horstphorst.com/. I like the simplicity of the website how it has one of his most famous photographs as the homepage image 'The Corset'. I like how the website is broken up in to categories so for a person like me who would most likely use this website for research it helps to find the resources quickly. I also like that when going into the categories for example the selected works it is broken down again into genres. I like this as sometimes I don't want to look at everything at once as its harder to take in but when its separated I can look at the images fully and take note of the genre and remember where it was on the website, when clicking onto an image the title of the image and when it was taken is along side the photograph which I think is a good extra to have as many websites do not have this feature. I like the background being white as it adds to a simple but elegant design which matched the style of Hort P. Horst' works.
I think that this website is sleek and compliments the artist and his work. I think tat if this was created in a more complex method or just shown as a mass body of works without categorising would make this website difficult to view and find the relevant things I would want. I think this website is great for representing Horst and his works.

Friday 11 March 2011

Mario Sorrenti

After researching photographers for a different assignment I came across Mario Sorrenti. He is a fashion photographer working with W, Vogue, Another Magazine and does loads of campaigns for Hugo Boss Calvin Lkien and other designers. I was looking at alot of his images and I liked the overall finish to them.

Monday 7 March 2011

The Song

Well I have picked the song I am going to loosely base my narrative around. It is Witchcraft by Pendulum. I chose this song because it can be interpreted as two different people going through their own things and being put together in this song. I like the idea of that as I think it would look interesting as a narrative to follow different stories that will cross paths at time to time without any real acknowledgement of it doing so. I also think this would work well as my comic book idea as I am not trying to make a heroic comic book like spider-man and the fantastic 4, although very successful it's not for me. I do have some ideas as to what I am going to shoot and hopefully will start sometime this weekend and post shortly after.