Tuesday 26 April 2011

The Universe hates me

So after planning everything for the shoots, getting outfits and locations, the model pulls out on me. I HATE YOU.

So after trying to find another model for the theme and failing epically, I have come to the conclusion that I need to have a new subject. I still want to do the graphic novel approach as I think it would look great as a final presentation. It's finding a new narrative that will fit that presentational theme. I may try to do two book methods one a more traditional method and the other the graphic novel.

I could always make the original narrative a modern version and make it a pop art style. I have done pop art briefly before in other assignments which, I can still do now just need a little practice to get in the swing of things again. If I made the style more modern, I could easily get a suitable model who wouldn't decide three days before the shoot she doesn't want to do it. Not that I'm bitter.

I will talk it over with my lecturer and see what he thinks about changing the style of the shoots. This would be easier then completely changing the narrative as there is not enough time to change everything and produce a good quality body of work.

Monday 4 April 2011

Book layouts

So I have been playing around with the layout of the book, where the images are going how big, text and things like that. trying to make this look like a magazine isn't the easiest thing to do as the software is structured for standard layouts not custom, I can try and create a layout to match my needs but it will be tricky to get it exact. Below are some images of layouts I have been working with and the software I would have to use to design the book.

Money, Money, Money

So finally got a rough price for my book to be made with Lulu and with delivery costs it will be around the £25 mark, which isn't that bad I think as I did get quoted over £70 from another company. I'm still looking for alternatives as I may find someone cheaper to publish the book with, and the cheaper the better at the moment as I have - god knows how much in my bank account. Roll on the 26th.

Friday 1 April 2011


Hey so on thursday we hung our nudes in the college gallery. I really like the final outcome of all our images and how they represent the individuals in our class as well as a strong body of work. Big thanks to Mij and Chris who printed the pictures. Below are a few shots of the gallery.